Section A
1. Student 1 gestures to student 2 (who is an ardent fan of stats Prof) to do some CP in the class while Prof is looking towards the board and writing a equation. Student 2 shows him the middle finger. By this time Prof has turned back and is facing student 2 ** FML **
2. Student in class getting bored. Leans behind to get comfortable … leans more .. leans more … finally his world is turned upside down (The chair gave in … heads on the floor and feet in the air) ** Class ROFL **
Section B
1. Class extension phone starts ringing. Prof irritated. Picks up and keeps the receiver. Phone rings again. Prof gets more irritated. Tries keeping the receiver down again. Phone rings again. Prof gets mad. Tries to take out the phone line. Student 1 in the meanwhile "Sir, why dont you pick the call" ** Class ROFL **
2. Prof teaching about Total Factor Productivity. Shows calculation for US in the slide.
Student: "Why about the non-Residual Labour?"
** Prof stumped because student had by oversight seen Residential as Residual **
Section C
1. Student opened her Laptop for DMOP class…and loud came the music (actually very loud!!)…which continued for the next 1 min since she couldn’t stop it…and she kept on saying sorry (rather than trying to shut the music down)…Prof commented whether she also expected everyone to start dancing!! ** Class ROFL **
Section F
1. Prof: Are you just telling me Hi or do you have a question?
Student asks a question which was being explained just then.
Prof: Welcome to Class. This is what I was just talking about. I do understand that its early morning. But please try to stay awake. ** Class LTAO **
Section G
1. After tasting of the cola drinks by 9 students the prof. says that first glass contained Coke, the 2nd contained Thums Up and the 3rd contained Pepsi and no one got it right.
The max anyone got right was 50% and that too just once in my 10 years of teaching experience.However in the US the success rate is slightly higher since Cola drinking culture is a bit more predominant there than India.
Student (Returned only physically from the US but left his soul behind and is still completely in love with the US) – But in US they don’t have Thums Up so how did they recognize that? [Trick question?]
Prof - We used a different cola drink there drink there !! ** Class ROFL **
2. Prof – In the US people don’t drink bottled water because it is safe but because it is convenient. There even tap water is safe unlike in India.
Student trying to make sure everyone knows he is Amreeka returned – Maa’m, but in Phoenix the tap water isn’t very safe!
** Prof stumped **